by bsit-admin
Prior to the introduction of the Donor Health Assessment Questionnaire (DHAQ), the Canadian Red Cross was distributing pamphlets regarding groups at high risk for contracting AIDS to all potential donors in order to encourage self-exclusion. The introduction of the structured DHAQ brought with it a statement reading: “The following activities..Read More
by bsit-admin
Between 1980 and 1990, about 30,000 blood product recipients were infected with hepatitis C and approximately 2000 were infected with HIV. There were many factors that led to this tragedy, including governmental corruption and the prioritization of cheaper, less effective safety measures by the Canadian Red Cross, but the legacy..Read More
by bsit-admin
In 2004, May 17th is named the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT or IDAHOBIT) to commemorate this decision.
by bsit-admin
The policy permanently banning blood donations from any man who has had sex with another man since 1977 is legacied into Health Canada’s regulations after it took over for the Canadian Red Cross as regulator of blood services. Men who have sex men
by bsit-admin
The federal government establishes the Commission of Inquiry on the Blood System in Canada (AKA the Krever Inquiry), chaired by Justice Horace Krever. The inquiry was to investigate who was responsible for the “tainted blood tragedy” and how to prevent it from repeating. Blood Program: 1946 until 1997-1998
by bsit-admin
Justice Krever makes several recommendations for the blood system. One key recommendation is that a national blood service be created and that it be operated independent of the government in order to deter any political interference. This led to the creation of Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Québec. Other recommendations include..Read More
by bsit-admin
Because the Krever Inquiry (see 1997 and 1993 timestamps below) determined that the “tainted blood tragedy” was due to systemic failures by the government and the Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Québec were created. These two blood operators are independent, non-profit organizations, which operate at arms length from..Read More
by bsit-admin
Kyle Freeman, a sexually active gay man, sends Canadian Blood Services an anonymous email revealing how he has donated 18 times between 1990 and 2002. CBS tracks down his identity and sues him for negligent misrepresentation and damages. Mr. Freeman then countersues CBS for discrimination against him on the basis..Read More
by bsit-admin
The day serves as a reminder of the discrimination those in the LGBT2Q+ communities have faced and continue to face. It supports global initiatives to “advance the rights of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.” WHAT IS MAY 17?
by bsit-admin
In 2003, Ontario and British Columbia legalized same-sex marriage and in July 2005, Canada legalizes it across the country. Same-Sex Marriage in Canada