by bsit-admin
The CHRC defers the complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, citing that the CHRT is more appropriate to consider the “highly technical evidence”. However, the Attorney General of Canada has submitted an application to dismiss the CHRC’s decision to defer to the Tribunal. Karas’s complaint was filed against Health..Read More
by bsit-admin
Health Canada approves Canadian Blood Services’ proposal for a program that allows gbMSM who have not had a new sexual partner and who have not had multiple sexual partners in the last 3 months to donate plasma only (not blood) at two donor centres: London, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta. An..Read More
by bsit-admin
Canadian Blood Services announces that they have received approval from Health Canada to change to a sexual behaviour based screening criteria. Health Canada has also approved removing criteria that forced asked trans people about lower genital gender affirming surgery and sex assigned at birth. The changes are expected to be..Read More